My Bucket List

A Bucket List

Below, a list things I would love to experience. That's what life's all about isn't it?

Travel & Adventure

Dog Sledding

I've always been fascinated by polar extremes. Having grown up in hot climates, and having only ever spend a couple of weeks in really cold places, the thought of testing myself in cold extremes has always been something that has excited and intrigued me.

Trans-Ocean Sailing

I have always loved the ocean, and I would love to experience a proper "crossing" at least once in my life.

Diving the Sardine Run

The sardine run or "The Greatest Shoal on Earth" is one of the largest biomass migrations on the planet. It occurs annually off the coast of South Africa and it offers a unique opportunity to experience  ocean life. It is not uncommon to see hundreds of sharks in a single dive, super-pods of over 1,000 dolphin and even large pods of whales.

Another Hilltop

I've been wanting to do another mountain trek since shortly after reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro back in October 2001. The plan is to do a non-technical climb, of something a little higher and a little less touristy than Kili, although the height isn't a big deal. At this stage probably something like Mt Kenya, the Ruwenzori or maybe something in the Andes. Aconcagua, although it is pretty busy, is also still definitely on the list.

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